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Every patient sitting in the dentist's chair faces various oral care challenges, some obvious, some hidden. Faced with these recurring dental issues, a group of forward-thinking dentists set out not only to design a new toothbrush but also to provide a completely new solution. Brusheva is their ultimate masterpiece.
*Toothbrush promotion is ending*
HK$1600.00 HK$788.00
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00d 00:00:00
Order during the promotion period to receive a free bristle set + a free ebook: the ultimate guide for a perfect smile. Total value HK$438.00
Choose your free brush head set (3 pieces)
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Born from real patient issues, meticulously designed by professionals
Brusheva Sonic Toothbrush is meticulously crafted by a team of dentists from around the world. Leveraging their rich experience and proven record in treating various dental problems, they have designed this innovative solution. Brusheva Sonic Toothbrush combines various advantages into a convenient tool, ensuring you achieve a brilliant smile while saving time and money.
Accelerate your journey to oral health with a special offer
To demonstrate Brusheva's commitment, we offer a set of unique brush heads developed by dental professionals during this special offer. These are not just brush heads; each bristle combines the essence of dental expertise and care.